Sunday, July 1, 2012

Thankful for 401K return through Q2 - 2012

I am thankful for my self-managed 401K return through Q2 2012.  It is 31.8%!  I may have taken a small hit last year, in my other account, with an algorithm experiment but this year is going well thankfully.  I will be the first to recognize that it is best to be not get full of oneself because the market can humble one quickly if one is not careful.

There are lots of great resources out there if you would like to get started investing / trading stocks.

Here are several.

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” - Seneca

Disclaimer: Please only use this information with a grain of salt and at your own risk / for educational purposes. I am not an investment advisor so please seek professional help if that's what you're looking for.