I currently have a position in ZAGG. Happy New Year to you! Disclaimer: Please only use this information with a grain of salt and at your own risk / for educational purposes. I am not an investment advisor so please seek professional help if that's what you're looking for.
My 401k account return is up to 41.8% for the year so far. Only a few more days left to eek out more gains. Just kidding. I'm thankful for my progress this year and in all seriousness I'm still bullish. Last year my return was roughly 18%. So, I'm glad to see improvement.
I've been finding Bloomberg TV interesting for keeping up on current events and for their interviews and analysis as well. Mid-day Surveillance with Tom Keene is quite good too.
Not to plug Bloomberg too much but they now have an Android app too.
I just want to call out again some great resources if you haven't tried them yet.
Happy holidays! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Disclaimer: Please only use this information with a grain of salt and at your own risk / for educational purposes. I am not an investment advisor so please seek professional help if that's what you're looking for.
Art Cashin (UBS) shares his view on the current market conditions. Happy holidays!
Disclaimer: Please only use this information with a grain of salt and at your own risk / for educational purposes. I am not an investment advisor so please seek professional help if that's what you're looking for.
Trennert Says U.S. Job Recovery Is Near: Tom Keene on Demand - http://media.bloomberg.com/bb/avfile/News/Surveillance/vWgO.P2rxl_Q.mp3 . What do you think? Cheers. Disclaimer: Please only use this information with a grain of salt and at your own risk / for educational purposes. I am not an investment advisor so please seek professional help if that's what you're looking for.
http://www.bloomberg.com/tv is a great resource for keeping up on what's happening in the markets as well as for great interviews and analysis. I really like Bloomberg Surveillance too on Bloomberg Radio. However, since I'm on the West coast it's on a bit early in the morning.
My 401K return for the year is now up to 40.2%, and I'm thankful for that. My current positions are AAPL, ZAGG, and CRUS.
Happy holidays and best of luck with your trading / investing! Cheers. Disclaimer: Please only use this information with a grain of salt and at your own risk / for educational purposes. I am not an investment advisor so please seek professional help if that's what you're looking for.
I really enjoy the informative, brief discussions that CNBC has with Art Cashin. It's great to hear a seasoned professional's view of what's happening in the market.
By the way, my 401K return is up to 39.8% for the year so far! I still have a few weeks left so we'll see what happens. Best of luck with your trading / investing.
I ended up selling my small position in CELG and taking a position in CRUS. Cheers. Disclaimer: Please only use this information with a grain of salt and at your own risk / for educational purposes. I am not an investment advisor so please seek professional help if that's what you're looking for.